Snigda Boppudi

About Me: Hi!! I'm Snigda and I'm from West Windsor, NJ! I'm majoring in finance on the pre-law track and minoring in philosophy. I am also a part of PAD, GWWIB, and GW RAAS! In my free time, I like to binge-watch Greys, try new restaurants in DC with my friends, and just hang out with my friends. Feel free to reach out whenever!
Pronouns: She/Her
Major: Finance
Minor: Philosophy
Extra-Curriculars: GW Raas, Phi Alpha Delta, GW SGA, GW Women in Business
Research Experience: Research Assistant with Professor Joubin on how contemporary worldwide performances of Shakespeare adapt the plays for social justice causes through a critical race and gender theories-based lens.
Fall Origins and Evolution of Modern Thought: Wisdom with Professor Ralkowski
Fall Scientific Reasoning and Discovery: Life with Professor Moreira