Honors Housing

Honors first-year students live together in an Honors living community in West Hall on the Mount Vernon Campus. The Honors living community provides opportunities for a diverse group of students to live near each other in one of the newest residence halls at the George Washington University. Read more about the first-year living and learning community.

First semester Origins classes are all taught on the Mount Vernon Campus, making the Vern a convenient living location.

Sophomores, juniors, and seniors can also choose to live together in a Honors community during the housing application process. Specific dates and processes to apply vary, so read your Honors newsletter every week. Read more about our upperclass living and learning community. Please email [email protected] if you have any questions about the Upper-Class Honors LLC.

First-Year Honors Living and Learning Community

Will I be living on the Mount Vernon Campus my first year?

Yes, all first year Honors students will live with their peers in West Hall, located on the Mount Vernon campus. West Hall is one of the newest residence halls on campus, and offers many great amenities. The Mount Vernon campus is also home to other special programs and living learning communities as well as other undergraduate students.

Will Honors students live on the same floors in West Hall?

Yes, Honors students will live on the same two floors in close proximity and will have dedicated residential staff to support them in their unique Honors living experience. 

Why is there a first-year Honors LLC?

One of the central components of the Honors program is the development of an academic and social community. First-year UHP students take the same two-year course sequence together (HONR 1015 and HONR 1033 or an approved alternative), all of which are offered on the Mount Vernon Campus. As such, the Honors Living & Learning Community will be under the leadership of a dedicated residential staff familiar with the Honors program. They will help facilitate Honors-specific programming and facilitate the transition not only into the UHP but GW as a whole. UHP faculty and staff will also be involved in Honors programming in West Hall. 

First year Honors students have the chance to study together, engage in scholarly work, and challenge each other in their thinking. In general, UHP students are encouraged to develop strong relationships with each other in order to foster a tight-knit, diverse, and curious community of learners. 

Will everything about the Honors program be located on the Mount Vernon campus?

No. Honors students will take their first-year seminars on the Vern, but most of the upper-level honors courses are located on Foggy Bottom. We have offices on both campuses. At the MVC, we have a faculty, advising, and classroom space in Ames Hall, as well as residence life on West Hall. On Foggy Bottom, we have the Honors Town House with our administrative offices, advising, and multi-purpose “club room.” Students are welcome to come by on either campus. We also have dedicated Honors advising services on both campuses, with (generally) one advisor available on both campuses throughout the week. Students can schedule appointments with their dedicated Honors advisors 24 hours in advance. 

What opportunities or experiences are available on the Mount Vernon campus?

Lots! West Hall is filled with many amenities and opportunities for engagement (including dining, recreation, and entertainment). In addition, the Mount Vernon campus offers: 

I want to be in the Honors program, but I do not want to live on the Vern. What are my options?

All first-year Honors students are required to live in the Honors LLC in West Hall. There is an option to apply to the UHP as a rising sophomore. The UHP accepts a sophomore class of roughly 15 students. To learn more about this application process, please visit our website. 


Upper-Class Honors Living and Learning Community

Is the Upper-Class Honors LLC required?

No. While living in Honors housing as an upperclass student is a great way to further develop your friendships and participation in the broader UHP community, it is an optional component of the program. 

Where is the Upper-Class Honors LLC located?

The 2024-2025 Upperclass Honors LLC is currently located in Philip Amsterdam Hall

The 2025-2026 Upperclass Honors LLC will be located in District House

What are the expectations of living in the Upper-Level Honors LLC?

Please know that there will be additional community building activities in the Honors LLC. You can learn more about the LLC expectations by visiting the GW Residential Education website

How do I apply for the Upper-Class Honors LLC?

Registration for Upper-Class Honors housing will open during the GW returning student application process. If you have questions in the meantime, please contact [email protected].