Ryan Dunleavy

Ryan Dunleavy

Ryan Dunleavy


Email: Ryan Dunleavy

About Me: Hi, my name is Ryan Dunleavy, I’m heading into my sophomore year here at GW, and I’m currently majoring in Public Health and International Affairs but will likely switch to majoring in just Public Health on a pre-med track. I'm originally from Beverly, Massachusetts and in my free time I enjoy running, playing tennis, watching sports, exploring DC with friends, and reading. I'm super excited to meet you all and welcome to the UHP!

Pronouns: He/Him

Major: Public Health

Extra-Curriculars: Red Cross Club, TIMMY Global Health, Club Cross Country, Club Archery

Fall Origins and Evolution of Modern Thought: Well-Being with Professor Winstead

Fall Scientific Reasoning and Discovery: Life with Professor Moreira