Mykala Bledsoe

About Me: Hi everyone! My name is Mykala and I am looking forward to meeting you all! I really enjoy coffee, my cat Freya, Game of Thrones, and cooking new dishes. I am especially passionate about addiction policy and criminal justice reform, and I have a knack for coaching soccer. Ask me about food spots in DC!!!
Pronouns: She/Her
Major: Sociology
Minor: Peace Studies
Extra-Curriculars: GW Rage, engageDC and the Nashman Center, Little Friends for Peace, National Society for Leadership and Success, Horizons Social Justice Cohort, UHP D&I Committee
Fall Origins and Evolution of Modern Thought: Gender & Subversion with Professor Renault-Steele
Fall Scientific Reasoning and Discovery: FORS 2107 - Fundamentals of Forensic Science (approved alternative science for Fall 2022)