Max Wiener

Max Wiener

Max Wiener


Email: Max Wiener

About Me: Hey! My name is Max Wiener, and I'm a Senior at GW. I love music, whether it's singing or playing piano or guitar, I love the beach, and my favorite thing about DC is getting to walk around the mall and explore new places with friends! Of course this short bio can only say so much, and I really enjoy meeting new people and making friends, so if you ever want to chat, let me know and I'll be down!

Pronouns: He/Him

Major: Business Analytics with a concentration in Hospitality Management

Minor: Sustainability 

Extra-Curriculars: Business Leader Development Program Mentor, Sons of Pitch A Cappella Group, University Singers, GW Catholics

Fall Origins and Evolution of Modern Thought: Well-Being with Professor Aviv

Fall Scientific Reasoning and Discovery: Biotechnology and Beyond with Professor Stearns