Katie Phillips

Katie Phillips

Katie Phillips

Peer Advisor Leader


About Me: Hey! I'm Katie, a junior studying neuroscience and biology. I am from Chambersburg, PA so I understand moving from a small town to a big city. In my free time I love spending hanging out with my dog, reading, going on walks around DC, and have recently taken up embroidery! I also love music and spend as much as time as I can going to concerts, with my favorites being Taylor Swift and Lizzy McAlpine!

Pronouns: she/her

Major: Neuroscience

Minor: Biology

Extra-Curriculars: Miriam's Kitchen - Dining Services Volunteer; GW AMWA -  Member of Advisory Committee; GW Nu Rho Psi - Member; EMT - Volunteer at Hyattsville Fire Department; Federal Work Study Job - GW Math Matters Lead Tutor 

Research Experience: I do neuroscience research with Dr. Kenna Peusner at GW SMHS where I look at the vestibular ganglions of chicks with the end goal of helping children with cognential vestibular disorders. 

Fall Origins and Evolution of Modern Thought: Well-Being with Professor Aviv

Fall Scientific Reasoning and Discovery: BISC 1111 (pre-approved alternative science)