Jorge Sanchez

About Me: Hi everyone! I am a first-generation second-year Accountancy major with a minor in Philosophy, hailing from the beautiful city of Tampa, Florida. An avid rider of the metro – proudly ranking among the Top 23% of its users – I love exploring the District and indulging in its proud and storied history, all while taking pictures along the way and creating memories with friends. My areas of interest include financial literacy education, leadership development, phone photography, and more! In addition to being a Peer Advisor, I currently serves as a Community Engagement Adviser (based out of the Mount Vernon Campus) with Campus Living & Residential Education.
Pronouns: He/Him
Major: Accountancy
Minor: Philosophy
Extra-Curriculars: Beta Alpha Psi - Accounting Honors Organization; Campus Living & Residential Education
Fall Origins and Evolution of Modern Thought: Wisdom with Professor Ralkowski
FallScientific Reasoning & Discovery: Life with Professor Moreira