Izzy Bonita

Izzy Bonita

Izzy Bonita


Email: Izzy Bonita

About Me: Hi everyone! My name is Izzy and I am from Philadelphia! I was a first-year admit to the UHP and I am so excited to be serving as a peer! I am a very active person and in my free time I love to lift, go on runs, and explore DC! I volunteer with Hyattsville Fire Department out in PG county and I am extremely passionate about environmental health and its implications on occupational and psychological health. If you ever see me out on campus please say hi!

Pronouns: she/her

Major: Public Health 

Minor: Emergency Health Services and Music

Extra-Curriculars: Red cross club (community coordinator), wind ensemble, volunteer with Brigada de Salud, peer on mental health talk line, volunteer academic tutor for Little Lights organization, volunteer EMT

Research Experience: Occupational and environmental health research internship with Center of Excellence of Environmental Toxicology at UPenn.

Spring Origins and Evolution of Modern Thought: Enlightenment East and West with Professor Winstead (course for Sophomore Admits only)